Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Common French Phrases

Learn to Speak French Confidently and Naturally In Less Than 8 Weeks. Click Here for more info!

Bonjour, je m'appelle Pierre.
Hello, my name is Pierre.

Comment ça va?
How are you?

Je vais bien, merci. Et toi?
I am doing well, thank you. And you?

Très bien, merci.
Very well, thank you.

Qu'est ce que tu fais à Paris?
What are you doing in Paris?

Je suis en vacances pour huit jours.
I am on vacation for 8 days.

Je visite les musées et j'apprends le français.
I visit museums and I learn French.

Au revoir

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I will be posting more common French phrases regularly. If you are interested in getting notified when I do, just fill out the form in the top left corner and I will keep you updated.

If you're looking for something more advanced and really want fast progress in your French, check out Marie-Claire Riviere's Rocket French course. She keeps it fun and entertaining and you will see drastic results in weeks. You can start with her free 6-day French course.

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